Thursday , October 3 2024
Ms Khalda Sabir, a teacher in Port Sudan was arrested on December 27 2018 and transferred to Khartoum.
Ms Khalda Sabir, a teacher in Port Sudan was arrested on December 27 2018 and transferred to Khartoum.

Sudan Protests: 51 detainees released, hundreds remain in custody as President Bashir declares a national state of emergency.

 (5 March 2019) ACJPS has received information indicating that National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) has released 51 detainees arrested for their actual or suspected involvement in the popular protests in Sudan. Those released include 14 journalists, 16 human rights defenders, 14 political activists, 2 doctors and 5 students. They were detained in various prisons since protests broke out on 19 December 2018 across Sudan.

In February 2019, ACJPS documented the incommunicado detention 30 women , 116 political activists  and 30 human rights defenders by NISS since December 2018.  ACJPS remains concerned for the physical safety and well-being of those who are still in detention, many of whom are being held incommunicado. Of particularly concern is the safety and wellbeing of Mr Yousef Ali Alhuri (m), a pharmacist who was arrested on 17 January 2019 from Wad-Madani in Aljazeera state. According to reliable sources, Mr. Alhuri is suffering from a kidney dysfunction allegedly caused by torture by NISS officials while in custody.

The lack of access to lawyers and family members to the detainees, together with the well-documented use by the NISS of torture and other forms of ill-treatment against detainees, particularly whilst held in unknown locations, gives rise to serious concerns for their safety. Incommunicado detention significantly enhances vulnerability to torture and other ill-treatment.

ACJPS condemns a nationwide State of Emergency declared by Sudanese President, Omar Al- Bashir on 22 February 2019. The year-long State of Emergency disbanded the federal government, and replaced 18 state governors with senior military officers. According to Article 211 of the Interim National Constitution of 2005, during a state of emergency the President may suspend part of the Bill of Rights with the exception of right to life, freedom from slavery, freedom from torture, the right of non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religious creed, the right in litigation or the presumption of innocence and legal representation.

The legal framework for emergencies as set out in the Emergency and Protection of Public Safety Act of 1997, read together with the Emergency and Public Safety Bylaw of 1998, permits preventive arrest and detention on vague grounds. These include the belief of the authorities that the person in question has acted or may act in a way that “affects public security, or public safety, or … participated in any crime related to the declaration”. The 1998 Bylaw provides neither time limits for this type of detention, nor judicial oversight, and therefore authorises prolonged if not indefinite detention. The broad powers given to the Executive under the 1997 Act and 1998 Bylaw have repeatedly given rise to concerns over arbitrary arrest and detention, ill-treatment and torture, and violations of the right to a fair trial, which are facilitated by the virtually complete absence of safeguards and judicial oversight. In emergency situations, there are no adequate safeguards against unjustified infringements on the peaceful exercise of rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association.

In his televised address to the nation, President Bashir talked about the fight against corruption, a dialogue to discuss issues affecting the youth and a possible dialogue with the opposition political parties. President Bashir asked the Sudanese Parliament to postpone the intended amendments of the constitution allowing him to seek a third term. ACJPS received reliable information that hours before President Bashir addressed the nation and declared a state of emergency, the Director of NISS, Mr Salah Abdalla “Gosh”, leaked the President’s anticipated speech to selected journalists and chief editors of newspapers loyal to the ruling party during a brief indoor meeting and mentioned that the president would talk about his resignation among other things. A reliable source informed ACJPS that President Bashir did not mention his resignation as president or his intent not to run for re-election in 2020 because he was advised by members of the ruling National Congress Party not to.

Following the declaration of a nation-wide state of emergency, hundreds of Sudanese citizens went out on the streets in Omdurman, Khartoum and other cities across the country calling for President Bashir’s resignation. The Government deployed large number of security forces, including the Sudan Armed Forces, to crackdown on the protests. Authorities have continued to use live ammunition and tear gas to disperse protests. Protestors were also beaten by security officials. Despite crackdown, the Sudanese Professional Association has continued to call for peaceful protests across the country.

ACJPS is deeply concerned about the continued use of excessive force by authorities to crackdown protests in Sudan. The policing of assemblies must respect human rights and must be carried out in accordance with international standards, which prohibit the use of force unless strictly necessary and proportionate. It should be made clear that arbitrary or abusive use of force by security forces will be punished as a criminal offence.

ACJPS reiterates it calls to the Government of Sudan to: guarantee the rights to peacefully assembly and association and expression; guarantee the physical safety of all detainees; grant the detainees immediate and unequivocal access to their lawyers, family members and medical services, and release them in the absence of valid legal charges consistent with international standards. If such charges exist, the detainees should be brought promptly before an impartial, independent and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times. We urge authorities to respect the rights of citizens to freedom of assembly and expression guaranteed in the Sudanese Constitution, regional and international treaties which Sudan is party.


On 24 February 2019, President Omar Al-Bashir issued a Presidential Order appointing Awad Mohamed Bin Auf, the Minister of Defense as the new Vice President. It important to mention that Mr Bin Auf is one of people placed on the United States sanctions by former US President George W. Bush’s administration in May 2007 for his alleged role in the perpetuation of war crimes in Darfur. The Presidential Order also appointed Mr. Mohammed Tahir Aila, the former governor of Al-Jazeera State as the Prime Minister whilst Mr. Ismail Al-Hawli, a member of the ruling party was appointed as the Minister of Finance. The Minster of Justice Mr. Ali Mohammed Ahmed Salem, the Attorney General Mr. Omar Ahmed and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Al-Dirdiri Mohammed Ahmed, retained their positions.

Since 19 December 2018, tens of thousands of people have protested throughout Sudan. The Sudanese authorities, including the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) and the Anti-Riot Police as well as private militias in civilian clothes, have responded by indiscriminately firing live ammunition and tear gas into crowds of peaceful protesters, killing at least 57 civilians. 816 people have been arrested and detained  in various detention centers across Sudan. Tear Gas has been fired by police including in hospitals and universities to disperse protests. Protests were triggered by the rising prices of basic commodities, with calls for regime change and a transitional government that will fulfill aspirations for justice, peace, freedom and democratic transformation.

List of detainees released  

ACJPS has obtained details of the following people released by NISS. Where available, the date of release has been included.


  1. Adail Ibrahim (m), Journalist with Almidan news paper
  2. Adam Mahdi (m), Journalist with Darfur 24 news.
  3. Agil Ahmed Naiem
  4. Amin Sunada (m), corresponded for Almidan newspaper from Port Sudan
  5. Hussein Saad(m), a free-lance journalist
  6. Eman Osman (f), chief editor of Almidan news paper
  7. Ismail Belal, Journalist with Almidan news paper
  8. Kamal Karar(m), Journalist with Almidan news paper
  9. Mohamed Aldali (m), works for Algreeda News paper
  10. Mohamed Babkir (m),
  11. Musab Mohamed Ali, a journalist with Almidan news paper
  12. Osman Gutbi Abdul Rahaman (m), works for Almidan news Paper
  13. Qureshi Awed, Journalist with Almidan news paper
  14. Tariq Ali (m), a Journalist, and Corresponded for Almidan newspaper from Kosti in White Nile.

Advocates and human rights defenders

  1. Abu Hanifa Zain Alabdien (m), advocate and human rights defender. He was released on 22 February 2019.
  2. Amal Alzain (m) Advocate
  3. Amani Osman (f), advocate, human rights defender. She was released on 19 February 2019
  4. Amel Suleiman (m), a teacher and human rights defender
  5. Egbal Ahmed Ali (m), an advocate and human rights defender. She was released on 23 February 2019
  6. Hassan Elteyeb Yassin (m) advocate and human rights defender. He was arrested from Port Sudan Red Sea State and released on 13 February 2019.
  7. Kamal Awad Aljazuli
  8. Khalid Mohamed Hroun (m), an advocate. He was released on 22 February 2019
  9. Mahdi Alhadi (m), he was released on 22 February 2019
  10. Mohamed Mustafa Khatir (m), an advocate and human rights defender was released on 22 February 2019
  11. Mudathier Hassan Ali (m), an advocate and human rights defender was released on 22 February 2019
  12. Samia Argawi (f) advocate and human rights defender was released on 23 February 2019
  13. Satti Mohamed Alhaj (m), an advocate, human rights defender and member of Nasri Arabic Party. He was released on 12 February 2019
  14. Somia Ishaq (f), an advocate and human rights defender was released on 23 February 2019
  15. Wajdi Salih Abdo (m), an advocate and member of Baath Arabic Party was released on 14 February 2019.
  16. Ihasan Abdulaziz(f), she was released on 1 March 2019.

Political Activists

  1. Ahmed Nogdallah (m), member of Umma Party was released on 22 February 2019
  2. Ali Hussein (m) member Sudanese Congress Party, he was released on15 February 2019
  3. Fathi Nouri Abbas(m), member of Baath Party was released on 14 February 2019. He arrested again briefly on 22 February 2019 and released that same day.
  4. Jalal Mustafa (m), a member of Sudanese Congress party was released on 19 February 2019
  5. Kamal Hamid Bolad (m) member of Baath Party he released on 14 February 2019
  6. Maryam Alsadiq Almahadi (m), member of Umma Party was released on 22 February 2019
  7. Radawan Daoud (m),) member of Sudanese Congress party was released on19 February 2019
  8. Rashid Abdulla (m) member of Baath Party he released on 14 February 2019
  9. Sadam Suleiman Almahi (m), member of Baath Sudanese Party was released on 15 February 2019
  10. Sara Nogdalla (m), member of Umma Party released on 22 February 2019
  11. Sidq Alsadig Almahadi (m), member of Umma Party was released on 22 February 2019
  12. Tariq Abdul Majid Sid Ahmed (m), member of Sudanese Communist Party was released on 14 February 2019
  13. Tijani Mustafa (m), member of Baath Party was released on 22 February 2019
  14. Yahiya Alahassien(m), chairperson of Baath Sudanese Party was released on 22 February 2019


  1. Mohamed Omer (m) Doctor, he was released on 15 February 2019
  2. Mahmoud Babkir Mahmoud (m), he was released on15 February 2019


  1. Ahmed Eltijani Maki (m), student of Senar University, he was released on 20 February 2019. He was arrested among a group of Student from Senar University on 23 December 2018 and transferred to Khartoum on 25 December 2018. He was charged with Article 77 (Public nuisance) of the Sudanese Criminal Act of 1991. The case is pending hearing.
  2. Mohamad Mustafa Mohamed Gasi(m), a University Student. He was arrested on 26 of February 2019 from Shegig Karo neighborhood of North Darfur from a student’s hostel. He was released the following day of 27 February 2019
  3. Taj Eldien Irdis Mohamed (m), a University Student. He was arrested on 26 February 2019 from Shegig Karo neighborhood in North Darfur from a Student’s hostel. He was released 27 February
  4. Shema Ibrahim Elshekh (f), she was released on 28 February 2019.

List of professionals still detention.

ACJPS has obtained details of the following professions who are still in detention. Where available, the dates and location of arrests and detention have been included.

Universities Professors

  1. Hadia Hasaballa (f) lecture at Alafad Girls University of Omdurman she was arrested from Khartoum Arabic Market on 21st February 2019.
  2. Mohamed Yosef Ahmed AL Mustafa (m), Professor at Khartoum University he was arrested from Khartoum Arabic Market on 21st February 2019.
  3. Muntsair Elteyeb (m) Processor at Khartoum University he was arrested from Khartoum Arabic Market on 21st February 2019.

Sudanese Teachers Committee

  1. Abdul Aziz Mukhtar (m), was arrested from his home located in Port Sudan in Red Sea state on 7 January 2019.
  2. Abdul Khaliq Elteyeb Yousef (m), he was arrested from Arabic Market in Khartoum on 31 December 2019.
  3. Abdulla Mohamed Al Hassan, chairperson of teachers committee in Aljazeera State, he was arrested from wad Madani 6 January 2019.
  4. Ahmed Ibrahim (m), he was arrested from Algadarif in Eastern Sudan on 8 January 2019 and transferred by NISS to Khartoum on 10 January 2019.
  5. Ahmed Rabie (m), he was arrested on 4 January 2019. He is also a member of Sudanese Professional front. He was arrested from his secretary’s house located in Al-Haj Yousef neighborhood of Khartoum Bahari. A group of NISS agencies threatened his family during his arrest.
  6. Ahmed Salih Mohamed Salih (m), a teacher and Secretary of Altwasul Party. He was arrested after NISS raided his house located in Port Sudan, Red Sea State at around 6:00AM on 4 January 2019. He was transferred to Khartoum on 6 January 2019.
  7. Ahmed Yassin (m), he was arrested on 5 February 2019 from Khartoum.
  8. Ali Alobid (m), he was arrested from Omdurman on 6 January 2019.
  9. Ali Osman (m), he was arrested on 5 February 2019 from Khartoum.
  10. Amar Yosef (m), he was arrested from Arabic Market in Khartoum on 31 December 2019.
  11. Ashraf Mohamed Ibrahim, he was on 22 December 2018 from his work place, a school located in Kasab neighborhood of Algadarif State in Eastern Sudan.
  12. Atta Hussein Omer (m), he was arrested from Algadarif of Eastern Sudan on 8 January 2019 and transferred by NISS to Khartoum on 10 January 2019.
  13. Bashir Nile, he was arrested on 5 February 2019 from Khartoum.
  14. Buri Taj Elsir (m), he was arrested on 18 January 2019 from his home located in Halfa Aljadida in Kassala State.
  15. Easam Hussien (m), he was arrested on 26 December 2018 from Al-Gadarif State.
  16. Elbagir (m), he was arrested on 22 December 2018.
  17. Eltahir Alsar (m), he was arrested from Algadarif of Eastern Sudan on 8 January and transferred by NISS to Khartoum on 10 January 2019.
  18. Esam Hussein (m), he was arrested from Algadarif on 26 December 2018
  19. Fail Farooq Abdul Rahim, he was arrested on 23 December 2018 from North Kordofan.
  20. Hamadan Boulad (m), he was arrested from Omdurman on 6 January 2019
  21. Hamza Hamid (m), on 5 February 2019.
  22. Hind Emad (f), she was arrested on 6 January 2019 from Khartoum Bhuri
  23. Khalid Omer Biella (m), he was arrested on 31st December 2018.
  24. Mohamed Noor Hassan Jailani (m), was arrested from his home located in Port Sudan in Red Sea state on 17 January 2019.
  25. Mubarak Ahmed Abdulla Hamdoun (m), he was arrested on 2 January 2019
  26. Muhanad Farooq Abdul Rahim(m), he was arrested from their home located in Alrahad neighborhood in Northern Kordofan. He was then transferred to a NISS detention Center of Alobid town where he was allegedly tortured.
  27. Noor Aldaien Khidir Abakar (m), he was arrested from Algadarif in Eastern Sudan on 8 January 2019 and transferred by NISS to Khartoum on 10 January 2019.
  28. Rashida Ahmed Salim (f), she was arrested on 6 January 2019 from Khartoum Bahari.
  29. Sara Omer (f), she was arrested on 6 January 2019 from Khartoum Bahari.
  30. Walled Awad Aljed (m), he was arrested on 6 Jan 2019.
  31. Yasir Mahajub (m). He works for a non- governmental organization providing support to the education sector. He was arrested from port Sudan in Red Sea State
  32. Yassin Hassan (m), he was arrested from Khartoum on 22 December 2018

Sudanese Doctors Committee

  1. Abdul Rahman Abdul Mukaram (m). He was arrested on 1 January 2019 from Nyala in South Darfur.
  2. Adiba Alsaid (f), she was arrested on 5 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  3. Adiba Alsid (f), she was arrested on 5 January 2019
  4. Ahmed Abdulla Elshiekh(m), he is the chairperson of Doctors Trade Union (opposition trade Union). He was arrested on 25 December 2018
  5. Alfatih Omer Alsid (m), he was arrested on 11 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  6. Amal Jabralla (f), she is also human rights defender and member of Sudanese Communist party, central committee. She was arrested on 25 December 2018
  7. Anwar Dafallah (m), he was arrested on 6 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  8. Ashraf Mohamed Weidatallah(m), 27 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  9. Ashraf Widatallah (m), he was arrested on 27 December 2018
  10. Bandar Nuri (m), he was arrested on 11 January 2019, from Kosti in Senar State
  11. Esam Ali (m), he was arrested on 31 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  12. Essam Ali (m), he was arrested on 31 December 2018
  13. Hiba Omer (f), she was arrested on 13 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  14. Howida Mohamed AL Hassan(f), she was arrested on 5 January 2018 from Khartoum.
  15. Hussein Aoohaj (m), he was arrested on 14 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  16. Ihasan Fagiri (f), she was arrested on 25 December 201 from Khartoum.
  17. Mahmoud Mohamed Ali (m), he was arrested on 14 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  18. Mohamed Abdul Hai (m), he was arrested on 31 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  19. Mohamed Mustafa (m), he was arrested on 30 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  20. Mohamed Naji Alasam(m), he was arrested from Khartoum on 11 January 2019. He is also a member of Sudanese Professional Committee that is leading the current up raising agaoinst the government of Sudan.
  21. Najieb Najm Eldien (m), he was arrested on 11 January 2019
  22. Omer Mahjoob (m), he was arrested on 30 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  23. Osman Migraine (m), he was arrested on 25 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  24. Sid Ahmed Mukhtar Alkhatib (m), he was arrested on 22 December 2018 from Atbara in River Nile state.


  1. Asuman Idaldie, he was arrested from Umroba neighborhood in north Kordofan in December 2018. He has been subjected to a six months detention in Alobeid in North Kordofan.
  2. Nehal Elteyeb (f), she was arrested 0n 3 January 2019 from Khartoum
  3. Yousef Ali Alhuri (m), he was arrested on 17 January 2019 from Wad-Madani. He suffered a kidney dysfunction resulting from an alleged torture by NISS.


  1. Abdul Aziz Mohamed Ali Alnaiem(m), he was arrested on 23 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  2. Ahmed Khalil (M), he was arrested from his house in Almugtrabeen neighborhood located in Khartoum Bahari on 28 December 2018.
  3. Ayman Mahjoob Taha (m), he was arrested on 20 January 2019 from Khartoum
  4. Faris Abdul Hai, he was arrested on 7 January 2019.
  5. Haitham Omer Alnoor (m), he was arrested on 2 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  6. Mohamed Hassan Saad Eldien (m), communications engineer. He was arrested from Khartoum.
  7. Salah Awad (m), he was arrested from his home in Almugtrbabein neighborhood of Khartoum Bahari on 10 January 2019
  8. Taj Elsir Mohamed Ibrahim Eeaiser, arrested on 15 January 2019 from Khartoum.

Advocates and human rights defenders

  1. Abdul Basit Mohamed Alhaj. He was arrested on 23 December 2018 from Al–fao neighborhood of Algadarif in Eastern Sudan. He was later transferred on unknown date to Khartoum.
  2. Abdul Rahman Mahmoud(m), was arrested on 13 January 2019.
  3. Abdul Rahman Osman (m), he was arrested on 17 January 2019 from Port Sudan in Red Sea state.
  4. Abdulla Mohamed Ali (m), was arrested on 25 December 2018, in Atbara town of River Nile Sate.
  5. Adam Abdul Hamid, also known as (Qurashi Abdul Hamid) was arrested on 14 January 2019.
  6. Ali Abu Algasim(m), an advocate and human rights defender was arrested on 25 December 2018. Mr. Ali was previously arrested on 10 January 2018 after his participation on Peace full protest had been organized by group 14 advocates from Al-Obeid against the austerity measures imposed under the 2018 Sudanese budget in January 2018 that led to the increment in prices of basic accommodations. He was released on 18 February 2018.
  7. Amier Esam Eldien Bob (m), he was arrested on 31 January 2019 while attending a meeting of lawyers to provide legal aid for the detainees.
  8. Awad Abdul Bain (m), an advocate he was arrested on 2 January 2019. According to his family, he has blood complications medically managed with daily injections.
  9. Badur Eldien Alsemite(m), was arrested on 12 January 2019.
  10. Bagan Mohamed (m), he was arrested on 24 December 2018 and subjected to three months imprisonment under the emergency law of 2007, in Elide in Eastern Darfur.
  11. Baha Eldien Abbas(m), the director of the criminal law department at Alneleem University school of law was arrested on12 January 2019.
  12. Baha Eldien Osman (m), was arrested on 25 December 2018 in Atbara town of River Nile Sate.
  13. Bakari Gebril Babikir(m), an advocate and human rights defender. He was arrested from in front of Khartoum North court on 31 December 2018. Mr Bakari was arrested with a group of lawyers who had gone to submit an application against the arrest of human rights defenders and opposition political leaders in the ongoing protests to the Sudanese Constitutional court in Khartoum.
  14. Hanadi Fadul (f), an advocate and human rights defender was arrested on 20 December 2018 from Wad Madani town of Al-Jazeera State, Central Sudan. She was transferred on unknown date to Khartoum where she is detained incommunicado in the NISS section attached to Omdurman Women’s prison. A reliable source informs ACJPS that Ms. Fadul is suffering from eczema yet the medication she uses is out of stock in Sudan. Her cell has no windows and she has been subjected to other inhumane conditions. Ms Fadul was detained before in February 2018 from the main street of Khartoum while protesting against the anti- austerity measures imposed under 2018 Sudanese budget.  She was released on 18 February 2018. Ms Fadul has been very active in offering legal aid services to detainees and human rights defenders.
  15. Hatim Khorshid (m), was arrested on 31 December 2018 in Atbara town of River Nile State.
  16. Mohamed Vagan(m), was arrested on 25 December 2018.
  17. Mohamed Yousef (m), an advocate and human rights defender was arrested on 30 December 2018.
  18. Osman Hassan Salih (m), an advocate and human right defender was arrested from his home located in Sheikan neighborhood of Al-Obid in North Kordofan State. He was jailed for 6 months under article 5 of Sudanese Emergency law of 2007 and was transferred from Al-Obid prison in North Kordofan to a NISS section attached to Port Sudan prison in Red Sea State, Eastern Sudan. Mr. Salih was arrested after he provided legal aid services to 22 protesters arrested by NISS of Al-Obid on 14 December 2018. Mr. Salih was previously arrested on 10 January 2018 after his participation in Peace full protest organized by a group 14 advocates from Al-Obeid against the austerity measures announced by the Sudanese authorities in January 2018 that led to increment in prices of basic accommodations. He was released on19 March 2018. Mr. Salih was unable to appeal against his detention because he was denied documents indicating that he was detained under the emergency law.
  19. Ramzi Yahiya (m), an advocate, human rights defender and member of Alshorroq cultural Forum in Algadarfi, Eastern Sudan. He was arrested on 7 January 2019 before he transferred to Khartoum on unknown date. Mr. Ramzi offered legal aid services to Alshorooq forum after NISS of Al-Gadriff imposed restrictions on them.
  20. Rana Abdul Gafar(m), an advocate and human rights defender was arrested on 31 December 2018 from Khartoum. She has previously provided legal aid services to Mr. Husham Mohamed Ali, also kown as “Wad Galiba”, a blogger who was detained in February 2018 by Saudi Arabia authorities and deported to Sudan where he is being detained by NISS officials. Mr. Husham was arrested for his activism on Facebook where he published information on human rights violation and human trafficking in Sudan.
  21. Salah Adam Alnoor (m), was arrested on 27 December 2018 from Nyala in South Darfur. He was transferred to Khartoum on 5 January 2019.
  22. Salah Eldien Elnoor (m), was arrested on 28 January 2019, he was arrested from Nyala town in South Darfur State.
  23. Salih Mahmoud Mohamed Osman (m), advocate, he was arrested on 8 January 2019 following his statement to Al-Midan newspaper issued on same day that the violations committed by authorities fall under crimes against humanity. Mr. Osman is the winner of “Sakharov award (2007) offered by European Union to human rights defenders. Mr Salih was also arrested in February 2018  during the anti- austerity measures protests from his office located in Khartoum and detained in the NISS political section located in Khartoum Bahari and later transferred to Kober prison. After his release on 19 March 2018, Mr Salih sought medical attention for back pain he allegedly developed from sleeping on bare ground in the prison cell.
  24. Shakir Mohamed (m), he was arrested on 31 January 2019 after attending a meeting of lawyers to provide legal aid services for the detainees.
  25. Shakir Mohamed Abdalla (m), was arrested on 15 January 2019.
  26. Taha Osman Ishaq, he was arrested on 6 February 2019 and interrogated about a phone call he received requesting him to assist protesters.
  27. Tarqi Sidiq Kandik (m), advocate and member of Baath Arabic Party. He was arrested from Omdurman Baath party house on 22 December 2018.


  1. Osman Mergani (m), a Journalist and chief editor of Altyaar newspaper. He was arrested on 22 February 2019 from Altyaar newspaper house following his criticism of the state of emergency declaration in a televised interview on Aljazeera channel.


Mossaad Mohamed Ali, Executive Director, African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies ACJPS. (English, Arabic, Swedish): +46764325862.