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Source: Social Media

Sudan Coup update: More persons detained as peaceful protests and civil disobedience continue

(6 November 2021) The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) has received reliable information indicating that Sudanese military and security agents have continued to arrest civilians including civilian authorities, political activists, human rights defenders, members of resistance committees and others as mass protests and civil disobedience campaigns against the coup continue. ACJPS remains deeply concerned for persons in arbitrary and incommunicado detention. ACJPS reiterates calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all persons held in arbitrary detention.

In this brief, ACJPS has documented arrests and detention of civilian authorities, political activists, human rights defenders, members of resistance committees and others between 25 October to 4 November. States covered are: White Nile, North Darfur, Central Darfur, East Darfur, Aljazeera, Eastern Sudan and Sennar. ACJPS also documented the killing of 4 civilians.

Sudanese military and security agents are relying on broad powers to arrest and detain people under the Emergency laws and have threatened to bring criminal charges against detainees. ACJPS documented the sentencing of 7 detainees in Ed Daein, East Darfur were sentenced to 3 months imprisonment under the Emergency Act.

The broad powers under the Emergency law have repeatedly given rise to concerns over arbitrary arrest and detention, ill-treatment and torture, and violations of the right to a fair trial, which are facilitated by the virtually complete absence of safeguards and judicial oversight.

There is a serious safety concern for detainees considering the well-documented use of torture and ill-treatment by Sudanese forces against detainees, particularly while held in unknown locations. Incommunicado detention significantly enhances vulnerability to torture and other ill-treatment.

The disruptions to the internet and mobile connectivity continue to hinder rights to share and receive information, free expression and peaceful assembly as well as communications within and out of Sudan. Communication disruptions have made it difficult to receive monitoring updates in real time.


ACJPS reiterates its calls:

  • For the immediate and unconditional release of all detainees and guarantee their physical safety and wellbeing including granting access to their lawyers, family members and medical services.
  • For an end to the use of excessive and unnecessary force including during the dispersal of peaceful protests.
  • For respect and protection of rights to peaceful assembly, free expression, liberty and security of persons and prohibition on torture and other ill-treatment.
  • For an end to internet and communication disruptions and respect and protection of rights to access and share information, free expression, and peaceful assembly.
  • End the state of emergency and restore the constitutional order in accordance with the 2019 Constitutional Declaration.

Between 29 and 30 October 2021, ACJPS documented the killing of at least 5 people in Khartoum states as joint forces from the Sudan Armed Forces, Rapid Support Forces and Sudanese Central Reserve Police fired live ammunition at unarmed citizens on the streets. The deceased are:

  1. Mohamed Abdul Salaam (m), shot on 29th October 2021 in Khartoum Bahari, by policeman of Sudanese Central Reserve Police
  2. Amin Khalil (m), shot on 31st October 2021 in Omdurman by joint forces of Sudanese Amred Forces and Rapid Support Forces
  3. Abdul Wahab Awadallah (m), shot on his chest on 30th October 2021 in Omdurman, by joint forces of Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces
  4. Fakhr Eliden Salih (m), shot on his head on 30th October 2021 in Omdurman by joint forces of Sudan Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces
  5. Salah Abdullah (m), shot on 30 October in Omdurman. He died on 4 November.

On 28 October 2021, 7 detainees in Ed Daein, East Darfur were sentenced to 3 months imprisonment under the Emergency and Protection of Public Safety Act of 1997. Their sentence is to be served at the Ed Daein prison. The details of those sentenced include:

  1. Ahmed Mukhtar (m), Director of Zakat Islamic Foundation, East Darfur State, he was arrested on28 October 2021.
  2. Al-Sir Jalal (m), member of Freedom and Change Alliance, Ed Daein Eastern Darfur, he was arrested on 28 October 2021
  3. Hassab Alaalh Dakoum (m), member of Teachers committee and Trade Union, Aldain Eastern Darfur, he arrested on 28 October 2021
  4. Ibrahim Kalol (m) Director of revenue of Elian, Eastern Darfur State, he arrested on 28 October 2021.
  5. Isa Manzul (m), member of Freedom and Change Alliance, Aldain Eastern Darfur, he was arrested on 28 October 2021.
  6. Mohamed Al-Hadi (m), member of Freedom and Change Alliance, Aldain Eastern Darfur, he was arrested on 28 October 2021
  7. Mustafa Bakhit (m), member of Freedom and Change Alliance, Aldain Eastern Darfur, he was arrested on 28 October 2021.
  1. Adam Mohamed Sharif (m), advocate, human rights defender and Chairperson of Sudanese Democratic alliance of South Darfur.

4 November 2021


According to a statement issued by the Sudanese Engineers Association, the following 5 staff members who also leaders of the Trade Union were arrested from the Khartoum State Water Authority:

  1. Asmaa Othman,(f)  station manager
  2. Khaled Abu El-Nile,(m)  Director of Water Resources
  3. Mohamed El-Sir, (m)Supply Manager
  4. Rasha Al-Mubarak, (f)The Water Resources Officer and Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Workers of the Khartoum State Water Authority
  5. Huda Khedr, (f)Sales officer

The staff of the Khartoum State Water Authority participated in the civil disobedience campaign against the military coup.

According to a media statement by the Central Council for Freedom and Change, three of their communication committee leaders were arrested and detained after a meeting with Mr. Volker Peretzof the Head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan at the United Nations Mission Headquarters. The persons detained are:

  1. Taha Osman Ishaq, a member of the Empowerment Removal Committee and Sudanese Professional Association.
  2. Sherif Mohamed Osman, the Political Secretary of the Sudanese Congress Party
  3. Hamza Farouk, a member of his Political Bureau

2 November 2021


  1. Dr, Musa Abdul Rahman, dean of Education faculty, Aljazeera State, November 2, 2021

Central Darfur

Three members of resistance committees in Zalingi, Central Darfur were arrested and detained on 2 November. Their names are:

  1. Abu Median Ibrahim Hashim (m)
  2. Afandi Khamis (m)
  3. Al-Sadiq Mohamed Hashim (m)

1 November 2021

East Darfur State

  1. Ahmed Abdullah Mohamed (m), member of the Teachers Committee and Trade Union was arrested and detained on 1 November in Ed Daein.
  2. Ibrahim Yahiya Mohamed (m), a member of Teachers Committee and Trade Union was arrested and detained on 1 November in Ed Daein.
  3. Jalal Eldien Mohamed Jalal Eldien, Director of Religious Affairs and Islamic Wagf (Islamic charities), was arrested and detained on  1 November in Ed Daein.

31 October 2021

White Nile sate

  1. Abu Bakar Eljilani (m), a member of While Nile Sugar Factory, was arrested on 31
  2. Ahmed Eltijani (m), a member of While Nile Sugar Factory was arrested in White Nile state.
  3. Alsharani Abdul Rahman (m), a member of While Nile Sugar Factory, was arrested on 31October 2021 in White Nile state.
  4. Badawi Mohamed Yousef (m), a member of While Nile Sugar Factory, he was arrested on 31 October 2021 in White Nile sate
  5. Khalid Al-Zain(m), a member of White Nile Sugar Factory, he was arrested on 31October 2021 in White Nile state.
  6. Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed Hamid (m), a member of While Nile Sugar Factory, he was arrested on 31October 2021 in White Nile state.

Eastern Sudan

  1. Mukhtar Ali (m), a leader of the Resistance Committee of Al-Shwaak of Alfashaga, Eastern Sudan. He was arrested on 31 October 2021.

30 October 2021

Eastern Sudan

  1. Anies Karzai(m), a leader of the Resistance Committee of Al-Fao, Eastern Sudan was arrested and detained on 30 October.
  2. Gawaria Abdul Rahman (f), a leader of the Resistance Committee of Al-Fao, Eastern Sudan, she was arrested and detained on 30 October.
  3. Mohamed Zain (m), a leader of the Resistance Committee of Al-Fao, Eastern Sudan was arrested and detained on 30 October.
  4. Mujahid Arrab (m), a leader of the Resistance Committee of Al-Fao, Eastern Sudan was arrested and detained on 30 October.
  5. Tahlil Abdul Rahman (f), a leader of the Resistance Committee of Al-Fao, Eastern Sudan. She was arrested on 30 October.

Central Darfur

14 members of resistance committee in Zalingi, Central Darfur were arrested and detained on 30 October. Their details are as follows:

  1. Izz Eldien Mohamed Abakar (m)
  2. Taj Eldien Ibrahim (m)
  3. Aamir Bushara(m)
  4. Abu Bakar Haorun Nasur(m)
  5. Abu Bakar Ismail (m)
  6. Ahmed Adam (m)
  7. Hassan Abdul Rahman Altoum (m)
  8. Ismail Haroun(m)
  9. Jalal Aamier (m)
  10. Mubarak Omar Mohamed (m)
  11. Muntasir Fadul Daoud (m)
  12. Saleh Mohamed (m)
  13. Suakin Isahq(f)
  14. Yagoup Fadul Arbab(m)

29 October 2021

River Nile

  1. Amna Ahmed Alfaki (f), Governor of River Nile State was arrested and detained at the Sudanese Military Headquarters in Atbara on 29 October.


  1. Nazim Suraj (m), a member of Emergency Street Initiative and human rights defender was arrested and detained in Khartoum on 29 October 2021.

28 October 2021

River Nile state

  1. Abdul Aziz Abdulla Abdul Aziz (m), Chairperson of Sudanese Railways Trade Union, was arrested and detained in Atbara on 28 October.
  2. Hashim Kamana (m), a member of the Sudanese Railways Trade Union was arrested and detained on 28 October in Atbara.
  3. Suleiman Jaffar Attab (m), a member of Sudanese People Liberation Movement / Northern Sector was arrested and detained on 28 October in Atbara.

East Darfur state

  1. Juoda El-Saier (m), Director General of the East Darfur Ministry of Finance was arrested and detained on 28 October in Ed Daein.
  2. Abdul Rahman Jabura (m), Director General of the East Darfur Ministry of Urban Planning, was arrested and detained in Ed Daein on 28 October.
  3. Bashir Mohamed Ibrahim (m), Director General of the East Darfur Ministry of Health was arrested and detained on 28 October in Ed Daein.

26 October 201

Eastern Sudan

  1. Ahmed Jamil (m), a leader of Resistance Committee, was arrested and detained in Al-Gadarif on 26 October.
  2. Alla Eldien “Zanga” (m), a leader of Resistance Committee, was arrested and detained in Al-Gadarif on 26 October.
  3. Ayman Hariarie (m), a leader of Resistance Committee, was arrested and detained in Al-Gadarif was arrested on 26 October.

Wad Madani, Aljazeera state

  1. Mohamed Aaies (m), Dean of Dental School at Aljazeera University was arrested and detained on 26 October.

Sennar state

Between 25 and 26 October, the following activists were arrested and detained in Senar State.

  1. Elyssa Abdul Gadir (m), Senar State, activists
  2. Hatim Abdul Hadi (m), Senar State, activists

 25 October 2021

Khartoum state

  1. Madani Abbas Madani, former Minister of Trade and Industry and Chairperson of the Sudanese Civil Front Societies was arrested on 25 October in Khartoum.
  2. Mujeib Saeed Arman (m), brother to Mr. Yaris Arman, a political advisor to the Prime Minister’s office was arrested at about 02:30AM on 25 October together with Mr. Yasir from his residence in Khartoum.

Persons released

On 30 October 2021, 4 individuals from Elgenina in West Darfur were arrested from main street while on their way to participate in the 30 October March. They were detained at a Police Station where they spent one night without any charges or recording statements. The next morning, 31 October, they were forced to sign pledges stating that they were never to take part in any public gatherings as a condition for their release. They include the following:

  1. Ahmed Mohamed Adam (m)
  2. Kamal Ibrahim (m)
  3. Mohamed Abdullah (m)
  4. Mubarak Jaber (m)

Mohamed Abdul Rahman Yousef Hamoda (m), a member of a resistance committee was arrested on 31 October 2021 and later released that same day.

For further information, contact Mossaad Mohamed Ali at: