Saturday , February 22 2025
Zalingi Prison in Central Darfur State
Zalingi Prison in Central Darfur State

Sudanese authorities should urgently investigate the death of two men in Zalingi and Al-Damazin cities

(10 February 2023) African Center for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) calls upon Sudanese authorities to urgently investigate the death of two Sudanese men who died under different circumstances in Zalingi and Al-Damazin cities in Central Darfur and Blue Nile states respectively.

Death in Zalingi city, Central Darfur

On 30 January 2023, Mr. Abdul Raziq Ibrahim also known as Khawaja aged 28-years-old, died in Zalingi prison at around 04:00pm. Mr. Ibrahim had been in detention for about three weeks in Zalingi prison. A reliable source informed ACJPS that he got sick in prison, and then went on three days hunger strike and later got infected with typhoid. Despite his severe illness, ACJPS was reliably informed that he did not receive proper medical care.  He lived and owned a Grocery store in the neighborhood of Umdokhun, a town bordering Central African Republic and Central Darfur State.

Mr. Ibrahim was arrested following the suspicious death of his wife Ms. Egbal Daudi aged 22-years-old on 2 January 2023. He was detained in Umdokhun and later transferred to Zalingi prison. A reliable source informed ACJPS that Mr. Ibrahim and his wife had marital problems which led her to leave her martial home and return to her family home. However, her family forced her to return to her marital home. Unfortunately, the conflicts between the two resumed with the wife allegedly hurling verbal abuses at Mr. Ibrahim which provoked him into allegedly hitting his pregnant wife with a stick in the stomach leading to death.

Death in Al-Damazin city in Blue Nile state

On 25 January 2023, at around 08:00pm, Dr Adam Tyrab died when a vehicle he was travelling in was attacked and shot at by unknown gun men. Mr. Tyrab was travelling with three other members of “Edafa”, an organization in Blue Nile. The deceased was a peace keeping expert and a PhD holder. The incident happened in Yarra village in Gesan locality, located approximately 105 kilometers Southeast of Aldmazin.

On 30 January 2023, the Blue Nile Government Spokesperson, Ms. Fawatih Alnnor issued a press statement regarding the incident and accused the Sudanese People Liberations Movement North Sector (SPLM/NS) led by Gen. Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu of being behind the attack. She also commented about the organization’s (Edafa) works in Blue Nile stating that they had defied some directives such curfew hours, use of specified paths/routes of movement and directives of the Humanitarian Aid Commission in Blue Nile which could have led to the attack.

On 2 February 2023, SPLM/N issued a statement denying the accusation and added that the incident happened outside areas under their control in Blue Nile.

ACJPS calls on Sudanese authorities to conduct an impartial and independent investigations into the circumstances of the killings. This investigation should be carried out with the aim of ensuring accountability. We further urge authorities to ensure that the rights of people in detention are respected and protected including access to adequate health care.


The Sudanese authorities have failed to conduct impartial and independent investigations into unclear deaths of detainees and arbitrary killings by gun men and militia groups despite repeated calls from civil society and the international community. This lack of accountability has encouraged perpetrators to enjoy total impunity for human rights violations. ACJPS has documented several incidents of such deaths but unfortunately, perpetuators have never been held to account.