Saturday , October 5 2024
Krinding IDP camp in Geneina after it was burned down by the by Rezaigat  herdsmen in 2020
Krinding IDP camp in Geneina after it was burned down by the by Rezaigat herdsmen in 2020

Sudanese authorities must urgently investigate violent attacks in Al- Jeneina, West Darfur

(6 April 2021) The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) expresses deep concern over the deterioration of security in Sudan, specifically in West Darfur where violent attacks have left several casualties. ACJPS has documented an incident of a violent attack between the Arab tribes and the Masalit tribe of African ethnicity in Al-Jenaina city, West Darfur state that left 18 people dead and 54 injured. The injured people are receiving medical care at Al-Jeneina Teaching Hospital, Al-Naseem Medical Centre, and the Military Hospital in Al- Jeneina. ACJPS calls on Sudanese authorities to carry out an independent investigation into the attacks and hold perpetrators to account.

According to a reliable source, the incident begun on the evening of 3 April 2021 after two Masalit tribesmen were killed on the road separating the residential area of ​​the Arab tribes and the Masalit tribe. The failure of law enforcement agencies to conduct investigations into the murders with the aim of holding perpetrators to account led to retaliatory violence. Armed groups from both sides spread out on the streets and began heavy indiscriminate fighting. Civilians stayed at their homes while markets and schools remained closed.

On the morning of 4 April, armed groups from the Arab tribes alongside militias from Zalingi, Saraf Omra and Republic of Chad resumed fighting using firearms in civilian areas of Hay al-Jabal and Hay al-Jamarlk neighborhood, located in the southern area of Al Jeneina, without any intervention from the security forces. Previous statements by the Governor of West Darfur, Mr. Muhammad Adullah Al-Douma, disclosed the presence of security forces exceeding 300 vehicles.

According to the West Darfur State Physicians Committee, on the evening of 4 April, an armed man opened fire on an ambulance that was carrying several medical personnel working in Al- Jeneina teaching Hospital. During this armed attack, medical laboratory specialists Mr. Abdulla Salih and Mr. Mohammad Alamin were injured. Personal belongings such as mobile phones and money were stolen from the medical team.

On 5 April, the Governor of West Darfur declared a curfew from 7 am to 6 am.

ACJPS condemns these violent attacks against civilians in Darfur region and calls on:

  • The transitional government:
    • To officially and publicly condemn these attacks, unlawful killings and injury and make it clear that these acts are absolutely prohibited, and perpetrators will be held to account.
    • Launch an independent and impartial investigation into the circumstances surrounding the attacks in Darfur and guarantee that their findings are published promptly and within a clear timeframe.
    • To immediately put in place measures to protect civilians in Darfur region. Put in place tightened restrictions on the use and supply of arms and ammunition, and a concerted effort to control arms and ammunition in the region should be launched, as well as controls over the use of ammunition and the presence of militias and weapons in public places.
    • Ensure safe access to essential services particularly health services, food and water.
  • International community, particularly the European Union, United States, United Nations and African Union, to support the Transitional Government of Sudan to meet its legal obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law.


There have been several militia and intercommunal attacks in Darfur region following the exit of United Nations-African Union hybrid peacekeeping mission (UNAMID). United Nations Security Council ended the mandate of UNAMID last year and it ceased operation on 31 December 2020, roughly two weeks before the attacks begun. The new UN political mission, UNITAMS, tasked to support the transitional government, has no mandate to provide physical protection and is still not fully operational.

In the early hours of 16 January 2021, large groups of armed militias attacked Krinding IDP camp in El Geneina, capital of West Darfur state. The attack continued until the morning of 17 January 2021.  According to the West Darfur Doctors Committee, 163 people were killed whilst 198 were injured. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs quoted   that approximately 97,800 persons are newly displaced in West Darfur.

From 24-25 January 2021, ACJPS documented two incidents involving attacks on civilians in villages in East Jebel Marra in South Darfur and Tawila locality in North Darfur. These attacks have left tens of civilians dead, injured, missing and displaced thousands. More than 4,000 people fled their villages to the east of Jebel Marra and sought refuge in valleys and caves in the mountains and around the area of Dabo Al-omda in Tawila locality, North Darfur.

ACJPS has also documented several violent attacks by armed militias against civilians across Darfur region in 2020 and 2019. Investigations into these previous attacks by Sudanese authorities have not led to any prosecution, we urge the Sudanese authorities to provide justice for the people of Darfur affected by the violence by holding those responsible accountable.


Contact: Mossaad Mohamed Ali, Executive Director, African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies. (English, Arabic, Swedish): +46727712782,