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Tag Archives: Post-print censorship

UPDATE: 29 individuals join the list of individuals detained incommunicado

Free Khartoum University Facebook Page

(7 February 2018) The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies has continued to receive information on more arbitrary arrests and detention of individuals, post-print censorship of newspapers, release of detainees, criminal charges against peaceful protestors, constitutional petition challenging the continued arbitrary detention of individuals in connection with the crackdown …

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Update: Continued arbitrary arrests and incommunicado detention of Sudanese citizens amidst crackdown on January 2018 peaceful protests

jan 30 photo

(30 January 2018) The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies has continued to monitor the on-going crackdown of peaceful protests including arbitrary arrests and detention of Sudanese citizens, transfer of opposition political leaders to remote prisons in Darfur, confiscation of newspapers, harassment of journalists amidst growing public unrest and …

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UPDATE: 4 newspapers continue to face post-print censorship as Sudanese authorities repeatedly prevent the distribution of their daily print runs

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(3 December 2017) Officials of the National Intelligence and Security Services have continued to subject newspapers to post-print censorship. Since African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies’ last press release on post-print censorship of 6 newspapers, the NISS has continued to prevent the distribution of daily print runs of 4 newspapers …

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Saudi Arabia: Don’t deport Sudanese journalist to Sudan

Al Hussein photo 2

(5 September 2015) Saudi Arabian authorities should release and refrain from deporting the Sudanese journalist Waleed Aldoud Al-Mekki Al-Hussein, the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS), East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP), European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights, and the International Federation for Human …

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